2025 Acequia Day at the NM Legislature

Gather with acequia leaders and supporters from across the state at the New Mexico State Legislature for our annual Acequia Day!

Join together as we show our unity as protectors of land, water, and culture. We will also meet with our legislators to advocate for funding for acequias and laws that protect the precious waters of our communities. The day will include the Pala Power March around the Roundhouse, Speakers and Music in the Rotunda, Lunch and Teatro Acequiero!

Bring your palas! Invite your families, youth, and neighbors!

NMAA will provide a park and ride service from 8:30am - 10:30am then again from 1:00pm - 2:00pm. The Fraternal Order of the Eagles is located at 33 Early St, Santa Fe, NM 87505 and is located near the NMAA office.

Your registration helps us plan for food and materials as well as keep in touch with information and updates. 

Schedule updates can be found on our website.

Your Registration Info